Connector Errors - AWS
Presented below are the common AWS Connector errors you may encounter in CloudBilling. Click on the error to see the cause of it and how it can be resolved.
A previous report generated more results than current report for prefix "x", manual intervention required to clean up excess.
Cause: CloudBilling retrieves usage data from Cost and Usage Reports (CURs) generated daily in AWS Buckets. These reports lack unique identifiers, making it impossible to distinguish individual usage lines. As a result, the lines from the newest report overwrite those from the older report in the purchases.
Solution: To remove excess purchases, navigate to the purchases screen and click "Advanced." Paste the reference indicated in the error. Set the "Imported Date To" field to two days before today. Select all the purchases and ensure that the count matches the difference between the numbers stated stated in the connector error. If the numbers match, proceed to delete the purchases.
Figure Connector Errors - AWS 1: Identifying excess purchases.
Failed: No Objects found in bucket "cloudbilling-billingreports" with prefix billingmanagement/dailyreport/202410.
Cause: No reports are found in the bucket.This can happen due to several reasons:
- When you set up a new AWS account and reports started to generate only this month and not the previous one.
- When you offboard a customer.
- When reports stopped generating because the settings in AWS were changed.
- Check if this is a new or offboarded customer.
- Check if there were any changes in your AWS bucket.
Connector failed to complete / An error occurred.
Cause: There can be multiple reasons for this error to occur in CloudBilling. In most of the cases, connector runs successfully again the following day.
Solution: See if connector runs successfully on the following day. In case of this error occurring again, please contact our support via customer portal or send us an email.</details>