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This object represents a purchase in an API context.

For general information about purchases in a CloudBilling context, see Purchase Overview.


Name Type Description
Id String No Overview Available.
CustomerCode String A customer code that identifies the customer that made this purchase.
PurchaseReference String A unique, external identifier for this purchase. Note: If a purchase is uploaded with a purchase reference that already exists in the system, it will be treated as an update, but only if the source update date is greater than that of the existing purchase.
InvoiceReference String No Overview Available.
IsAdhoc Boolean No Overview Available.
BundleInfo BundleInfo Obsolete: No longer in use.
ImportedDate String No Overview Available.
PurchaseDate String The purchase date is the date the purchase was made on. It determines the target invoice and pricing rules which should apply.
EndDate String The end date that affect recurring purchases as well as purchases that need to be billed pro-rata.
SourceUpdateDate String The update date of this purchase. This is used to determine the validity of an update to an existing purchase, based on an external purchase reference. Will default to the current time if left empty.
Quantity Double The amount that was purchased.
OverrideUnitPrice Double? When specified, this value will override the value of the first price rule applied to this purchase. e.g. If set to a value of 5 and the purchase has a quantity of 2 and the price rule would normally price it at 1, the result would be 10.
OverrideUnitPriceCurrency String No Overview Available.
OverrideCost Double? When specified, this value will override the unit cost of the first price rule applied to this purchase.
OverrideCostCurrency String No Overview Available.
OverrideTotalPurchasePrice Double? When specified, this value will override the total value of the first price rule applied to this purchase. e.g. If set to a value of 5 and the purchase has a quantity of 2 and the price rule would normally price it at 1, the result would be 5.
OverrideTotalPurchasePriceCurrency String No Overview Available.
RecurrencePeriodUOM UOM The unit of measurement (UOM) for the recurrence period of this purchase.
RecurrencePeriodSize Int32? The size of the recurrence period for this purchase (based on unit of measurement as specified for the recurrence setting).
RecurrenceLimit Int32? Obsolete: No longer in use.
BillInAdvance Boolean Whether to bill a recurring purchase period in advance. e.g. For a true value, the recurring instance of a purchase for November will be billed on the October invoice.
ProductLabel String A product label that is used to map the purchase to a Product Cluster through its aliases.
StringValues NameValuePair[] A list of string metadata.
NumericValues NameValuePair[] A list of numeric metadata.
DateValues NameValuePair[] A list of date metadata.
ProductClusterTagName String The name of the Product Cluster this purchase is mapped to.
Completed Boolean No Overview Available.

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