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This object represents a pricing rule in the API context.

For general information about the pricing rule entity in the CloudBilling context, see Pricing Rules.


Name Type Description
Id String The Id of the pricing rule. Read-only.
RuleName String The name of the rule.
RuleOrder Int32 The order in which the rule is applied when there are multiple rules applied on the same Product Cluster and Customer Cluster combination.
RuleCreated String The date the rule was created. Read-only.
UpdatedDate String The most recent date the rule was updated. Read-only.
ValidFrom String The date from which the rule is valid.
ValidTo String The date after which the rule is no longer valid.
Operator RuleOperator The operator of the Price Rule.
OperatorValueExpression String An expression that defines the operator value.
OperatorValue Double The value of the Price Rule.
OperatorValueCurrency String No Overview Available.
CostOperatorValueExpression String A cost value expression that can use properties of the source item to define the cost applied.
CostOperatorValue Double The value of the cost operator.
CostOperatorValueCurrency String No Overview Available.
RuleCondition String Similar to item conditions, this condition applies once for a single rule and can use properties of the customer to determine whether or not the rule should be applied.
ItemCondition String A conditional expression used to determine whether the price rule should apply to a source item.
RoundToValue Double? No Overview Available.
RoundingTypeValue RoundingEnum No Overview Available.
RoundToCost Double? No Overview Available.
RoundingTypeCost RoundingEnum No Overview Available.
ShowInPricePlan Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
ChargePerUOM UOM The unit of measurement (UOM) for which the price applies. Used for pro-rata calculations.
ProRataPriceUOM UOM Obsolete: No longer in use.
ProRataRoundingTypeFrom RoundingEnum How the ProRata rounding should be applied to the beginning of the UOM.
ProRataRoundingTypeTo RoundingEnum How the ProRata rounding should be applied to the end of the UOM.
RuleGroupingType RuleGroupingTypeEnum No Overview Available.
RuleGroupingMetadataKey String No Overview Available.
DateGroupingUOM DateGroupingUOM No Overview Available.
DateGroupingAnchor DateGroupingAnchor Obsolete: No longer in use.
DateGroupingFirstDayOfWeek DayOfWeek No Overview Available.
RuleQtyAggregationType RuleQtyAggregationEnum No Overview Available.
RuleGroupValueType RuleGroupValueTypeEnum No Overview Available.
RuleGroupCostValueType RuleGroupValueTypeEnum No Overview Available.
AggregateChunkSizeOverride Int32? Obsolete: No longer in use.
AggregatedChunkAutoRollup Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
AggregateChunkAlsoOutput Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
ProductClusterTagName String The name of the Product Cluster the Price Rule applies to.
CustomerClusterTagName String The name of the Customer Cluster.
ProductClusterRelativeLevel Int32 Obsolete: No longer in use.
CustomerClusterRelativeLevel Int32 Obsolete: No longer in use.
ProductClusterId String The Id of the Product Cluster the pricing rule applies to.
CustomerClusterId String The Id of the Customer Cluster the pricing rule is applied to.
OverridenRuleName String No Overview Available.
SeparateDiscountValue Boolean No Overview Available.
SimpleQtySumming Boolean? No Overview Available.
IsFinalResult Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
IsInvoiceRule Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
InvoiceLabelKey String Obsolete: No longer in use.
InvoiceLabelOverrides (Int32, String)[] Obsolete: No longer in use.
InvoiceOrderIndex Int32 Obsolete: No longer in use.
SeparateLineItemInvoiceLabelKey String Obsolete: No longer in use.
SeparateLineItemInvoiceLabelOverrides (Int32, String)[] Obsolete: No longer in use.
SeparateLineItemInvoiceOrderIndex Int32 Obsolete: No longer in use.
Ladder PricingRuleLadder No Overview Available.
Bundle PricingRuleBundle Obsolete: No longer in use.
MetadataCopyType MetadataCopyTypeEnum No Overview Available.
SaveSourceProductClusterTagNameMetadataKey String Obsolete: No longer in use.
StringMetadataCopyKeys String[] No Overview Available.
NumericMetadataCopyKeys String[] No Overview Available.
DateMetadataCopyKeys String[] No Overview Available.
BillingOutputTags String[] A list of tags that are added to the pricing rule results generated by a pricing rule that can be used in transformations.
SeparateLineItemBillingOutputTags String[] A list of tags that are added to separate line items that can be used to identify these results.

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