This object represents a header that contains information about an invoice.
For an example, see: GetInvoiceDetails.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | String | This property is only applicable if the invoice is in an approved status, null otherwise. |
CustomerId | String | The customerId of the customer this invoice is for. |
CustomerCode | String | The customerCode of the customer this invoice is for. |
CustomerClusterId | String | The Id of the customer cluster, for the customer, that the invoice is assigned to. |
InvoiceStatus | InvoiceStatusEnum | The invoice status. For a list of invoice statuses, see: InvoiceStatusEnum. |
BillingPeriodStart | String | The start date of the billing period for this invoice. |
BillingPeriodEnd | String | The end date of the billing period for this invoice. |
LastCalculationFinishDate | String | The last time this invoice was calculated. |
InvoiceDate | String | The date this invoice was created. |
BillingDate | String | Invoice date assigned by user for ad hoc and billing period end date for period invoice. |
LastInvoiceRunDate | String | The date the invoice was last updated. |
LastCalculatedTotal | Double | The total value on this invoice. |
LastCalculatedCostTotal | Double | The total cost on this invoice. |
InvoiceType | InvoiceType | No Overview Available. |
ApprovalDate | String | The date this invoice was approved. |
InvoiceReference | String | No Overview Available. |
OutstandingAmount | Money | No Overview Available. |