


This object represents an invoice transformation result that contain information about the result (output) of an invoice transformation.

For examples, see: GetInvoiceTransformationResultsForInvoices and GetInvoiceTransformationResultsForCustomers


An InvoiceTransformationResult object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
CustomerCode String The unique code of the customer this invoice transformation is for.
CustomerName String The name of the customer this invoice transformation is for.
Id String

The unique identifier of the invoice transformation result.

InvoiceTransformationId String The unique identifier of the transformation used to obtain this result.
InvoiceTransformationName String The name of the transformation used to obtain this result.
InvoiceTemplateKey String The identifier of the template used for this transformation.
InvoicePeriodStart Date The start date of the invoice period affected by this transformation.
InvoicePeriodEnd Date The end date of the invoice period affected by this transformation.
CreatedDate Date The date this transformation result was created.
Status String

The invoice transformation result status.

For a list of invoice transformation result statuses, see: InvoiceTransformationResultStatus

InvoiceIds List of String Invoices this invoice transformation result is for.
IsOutOfDate Boolean Whether this invoice transformation result is out of date and should thus be discarded and re-generated.
IsGrouped Boolean Whether this invoice transformation result is for a grouped data source.

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